The reading continues

I finished Twilight on Friday. Took me a full day to read it- with breaks included of course. It was, in a word, amazing! I'm glad I found another series I can obsess over since Harry Potter is done =D

I started on New Moon Saturday morning and am still reading it. This one is a little harder to stay drawn in, but it's still pretty good. I'm waiting for it to totally hook me to the point where I can't put it down. I've got about 250 pages left which I'll crack out tonight and I'll blog tomorrow about it. For those who haven't read it, READ IT. This series is FANTASTIC. (I'm looking at you, Andi!)

Gotta say, good luck to mom with school! Hope you get good kids this year that won't get on your nerves too bad. Hey, I can't say that I hope all of them will be good because...that's just impossible. Face it, lol.

Besides reading, I'm not sure what I wanna do with my day off tomorrow. Hmm...well, reading is productive enough, so I guess that'll do =D I know Mom, Andi, AND Ash will agree with me. Okay, I guess that's all I have to say! Night! <3

1 Response to "The reading continues"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Well, Sweets, thanks for the vote of confidence! I appreciated - and got a big chuckle from - your comment to my latest posting. You know, she had the nerve to act like nothing happened today! Though she did come in and give me a gift, a cute keychain; maybe that's her way of apologizing. Anyway, that's what I took it to be, and I just took my cue from her and pretended we were still good buds. It will make things easier in terms of working together, so there's that.

    Well, it's 2030, time for bed for those of us who get up at 0430 to work out every day. I'm really quite proud of myself, too! Lotsa love; talk to you later!