Annyong! Ottoshimnikka?

Friday, June 11, 2010 1:06 PM Posted by Corrie
Well, not a whole hell of a lot. I literally work all the time, everyday. Granted, the hours I get give me a lot of free time during the day, but there's just something about having to wake up at 3:30 AM every morning that makes all the free time not enough to do much of anything. When I get off work (if I'm not asked to stay later) it's 9 AM and I get home and have some breakfast, then I promptly pass out for a few hours to catch up on the extra 2 hours of sleep I didn't get the night before. When I wake up, I realize how bad of an idea it was to have taken a nap. I really hate the way I feel after napping. Though it feels awesome in the beginning, I always wake up sore, groggy, clammy, and sometimes with a headache. Maybe going to bed at 9 instead of 10 would be a better idea?

As far as what I do after that, it's pretty much the same. Since Dad hasn't been around the past few weeks I've had the house to myself, which can get kind of lonely, but I'm a loner at heart (just like mama). Though he's in the process of getting his stuff moved up to Deirdre's which takes a lot more effort to do than me going to Gaithersburg. Plus I don't have much stuff so I'm not really stressing too much. I just barely took the stuff off my walls the other day. I really need to get this other shit packed...

I've been in such a fangirly (is that a word?) mode as of late. For the past year I've been completely obsessed with Korean pop music and have been submerging myself into the culture. I've gotten Ashlee into it too, so having her with me is really awesome. I try to explain it to Andra, but she just doesn't get it LOL. She's been out of that phase for a long time. (Does she even listen to music anymore??) But I've been trying to teach myself Korean. I bought myself two products to help. The first one I bought is a beginners kit with flash cards and a CD. It's for kids, but I figure for $20 it can't hurt. Plus flash cards are really helpful. The other I bought today for $50-- a little pricey, but it's also for adults. It's a complete course for beginners with a coursebook and 6 CD's. I'm hoping to crack it open sometime today after I get some packing done. The kids CD is really fun to listen to I've noticed. They even have sing-a-long songs! And a wall chart! (Ok, I'm not going to put it up on my wall, but it's still cool!) So let's hope this gets me going in the right direction of learning the language and I can be better prepared for when I do my exchange next Spring.

More recently I've broken it off with Therran. I pretty much waited until I was completely ready to do it, which made it even worse for him because it came out of left field. Our relationship was stagnant and most likely not going anywhere, and I didn't want to settle into a routine like I did in my past relationship with Ronnie. It was the main reason I kept out of school for so long. I can't let myself get like that again. I realized I haven't been single in 4 years. FOUR YEARS. For someone who's only 22 years old, being in a relationship practically since I graduated, leaves you no time to transition from being a kid to an adult. Granted, I have always viewed myself as mature for my age, but there's a definite immaturity that naturally comes with age. Being 18 and thrown into a serious relationship with someone two years older doesn't give a lot of time for transitioning from being a kid to being an adult. And then on top of that, breaking up with that person after three years and immediately starting another serious relationship...I can't believe I did it. So, needless to say, I need some single life time. I need to just be 22 and not 32 (which is how I feel sometimes). He's trying to get back together, hoping it's just a break and in the mean time getting his shit together with getting his license and a job and a car, but I honestly just can't see myself in a relationship for a while. I still love him, of course, but I need to focus on my life and myself for the time being.

Well, I think that's enough for now! I haven't drawn anything new since my last post, so you're not missing out on anything! Hope you're all doing well. I just caught up with Mom's blog so now I know what she's been up to. Talk to you all soon! Annyonghi kyesayo~

1 Response to "Annyong! Ottoshimnikka?"

  1. Andra Says:

    Wow, it's been a while since you posted so I didn't even think to check! :) And that word "annyong," when I read it, the way I hear it in my head is the valley-girl version of saying "annoying!" You know, when they say things without really enunciating? lol Anyway, thanks for the post my dear, you are doing a wonderful job at getting your life together the way you want it and I'm proud of you.

    P.S. No, I don't really listen to music anymore unless it is "Clementine," "Do your ears hang low," etc.