Finished picture of Sirus....smoking.
Finished picture of the UGG group!
Head shot of Aaby.
Head shot of Brooke.
Head shot of Sky.
Head shot of Akasha.
Head shot of Fyan.
Seth and Sapphire's wedding picture.
A "speed painting" of Sapphire. A brief sketch was made then I quickly painted it, hence why there's no smoothing or refining of the shadows and highlights.
Sapphire in some cool jewelry.
Original character, Citrus Drop. She's an outlaw who escaped from jail and is very....flamboyant? She, quite obviously, loves tattoos, fruit, and dressing scantily :D Oh and big guns, too.
What I'm working on:
These are just some concepts I'm doing for a meme ( of Desty in different attire and whatnot.
That's all I have for now! Hope you like!