It's been a long time.

Well, I just finished reading Mom's blog post, and figured maybe I should update ya'll too.

Not much has been going on with me, except all the preparations to move to D.C. next month. (I can't believe it!) I don't have a whole lot to do, most of my stuff is -still- in boxes from when I moved here a year ago. (Oops) Though I have put a dent in all the shit I had no need for and threw it away today. I have a whole stack of clothes that need to go, and I've been trying to sell off my costumes the past month. So far, no takers. Though, a few of my cosplay props and such have been purchased, I can't say the same for the actual garments. I don't know what I'm gonna do with those.

As I'm looking around my room, I just realized how much stuff I need to pack up. All my little action figures, posters, and knick-knacks need to be put away, and the rest of my manga put in a box. I'm still not sure if I'll be taking those out, maybe a couple dozen :) The main things I will be taking with me: clothes, computer, art supplies (including paper, file box, and folders), shoes, cello, PS2, my action figures, and other necessities. I'm thinking maybe 4 boxes, and then I the hell am I going to fit that in my tiny Toyota Paseo? Well, Mom seems pretty industrious, so maybe she can help consolidate a few things.

My FAFSA has been submitted and processed, though I haven't heard anything other than that. And the closer the date gets, the more excited I am. A few weeks back, I was having second thoughts about going, and then I talked to Ronnie. We had a very deep conversation about where that would put us, as far as dating other people. While I thought he was okay with the idea, he ended up telling me he wasn't. He admitted to making a mistake about our break-up, and..well, needless to say, we're trying it again. I know some of you are thinking to yourselves, 'WHY, GOD?? WHY??', but if you knew how it's been for me, I know this is a good thing. Whatever happens during my time in D.C., I know that I'm going to be with him, and he knows it too. He's been pushing me to do what I need to do, and he's going to stick by me through it. I get a lump in my throat thinking about it, and it makes me so happy to know he's there. I couldn't be happier with my relationship with him, and this will be the ultimate test for us, but I believe we can do it. He said something funny to me too, while we were having this conversation. (Don't freak out, Mom! Dad!) I said, "If you believed in marriage, I would totally marry you." And he paused and had a grin on his face and said, "Well, that's not completely out of the question." So....yeah. That's all I have to say about that. :D

My last official day at the Olive Garden will be April 5th, and Ashlee has been filling my head with all these ideas to do on it. Most of them include bad behavior towards guests and the like, all of which I've always wanted to say! I'm trying to pick out the best ones to use. A co-worker of mine suggested pulling on the plugs on the computers right before I leave so the restaurant goes into a mass frenzy. I couldn't help but laugh mischieviously. It's pure genius. So, be on the lookout for a few good stories to tell from my last day.

Dad will be flying in on the 11th, and we'll be taking off (driving) the next morning. During this week Mom is here, I'll be getting a few repairs done on my car so she can handle the venture to the east. New tires, oil change, AC charge, and an overall checkup of the hoses and such. For some reason, I get excited about it. It's like she'll be getting a makeover!

Well, I've gotta cut this short. I'm trying to get to work early so I don't have to close tonight! I love you all! <3

1 Response to "It's been a long time."

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Per our conversation yesterday, I can see where your confusion/excitement/nervousness/regret/etc. is coming from. I believe that going is the right thing for you to do, but I cannot choose your road to "The Great Path," nor can anyone else. But "if you know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago." I think that means, in this particular context, is that if we knew everything that was going to or supposed to happen in our lives, the fruits of our labors would be cold, tastless, dry, and even toxic. (Maybe you can figure out what I mean by that, but if not, you're in good company!)

    Anyway, I love you and will always love and support you, my Baby Girl.
