Well, guess it's my turn to post some pictures- but they'll be a little different! I edited a few that Ronnie took on mom's camera of Ashlee and Jake during their formal shots. They all came out so great, but these are my favourites!

And just for good measure...

And just for good measure...

October 12, 2008 at 2:57 PM
Whew! I was so glad to see that you hadn't posted the same pix as I had! I had actually been working on my posting all Sunday morning, but kept getting interrupted with one thing or another and was unable to actually post until nearly 1500, an hour after you had! Your pix turned out way cute. I'd like copies of your edited versions, too, if you don't mine, Baby!
October 13, 2008 at 12:38 PM
Those look great! I love the one where he has his hand underneath her chin!
It was sooooo good to see you Cork! I wish you had decided to move to DC while I was still out there so we could have spent some time together. Anyway, I hope you know how much I miss you and love you, and can't wait to see you again--hopefully within the next year!