I was debating whether or not to post my newest picture because of the "nudity" in it. Even though nothing is showing, just the idea of it. But, I know you guys aren't extremely critical over that stuff, otherwise ya'll would be offended at the painting Ash has on her wall! Okay, so here it goes.

I really like it...with the sunset and how all the colours come together. The girls tattoo is based off my own; she's my online persona. The dudes name is Jonah and I made up all his tattoos on a whim. I like them though. Especially the blue fire on his left arm! What's funny about him is that all the pictures I've drawn with these two he's always got his back turned, lol!! I've never drawn him full on! Perhaps I should one day.
I've been working on and off on this painting of Bella and Edward from Twilight. It's based off of the cover of Entertainment Weekly, so it's reeeeeally sexy. I think I'll work on it today. It's gonna be a bit different than my other paintings and have less realism than normally.
As far as my outside life goes (LOL!) work and a little play. I had Tuesday off, then yesterday I was scheduled but they called me off cause they didn't need 3 bussers, and today I'm off. Tomorrow I work take out and Saturday I *DUNDUNDUUUUUUN* host. It's gonna be weeeeird. It's been about 2 years since I last hosted so it should be fun. I'm glad they're finally taking all of my problems in to account and cutting down my bussing shifts. Lately I haven't been getting horrible migranes or fainting spells so I think this is good. My back is still killing me at the end of the night, but I can deal with that.
I talked with Smandi yesterday and she put a really good idea in my brain! I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fly out to DC for Christmas! SURPRISE DAD!! LOL! Airfare is pretty cheap through Jet Blue I noticed so I may do that. I dunno! I think it'll be way awesome to see Dad over Christmas, it's been so long since we've spent Christmas together! I've got some friends that live in southern Virginia that have been telling me to "sneak out" and come visit them, lol! The same friends that are gonna kidnap me for my birthday and that I'm going to school with at the AI.
I can't tell you how excited I am about all this! I didn't think it would actually happen, ya know, getting excited to go back to school! I guess I was just really against going to a normal university and thought that that was my only option really. I mean, let's face it! I'm not like Andi when it comes to having the courage to just get up and move outta state for school. But I've always wanted to. Oh well! Better late than never, right??
Anywho, I'ma go work on some stuff! Later guys and I hope to see some new blogs soon!! XOXOXO

I really like it...with the sunset and how all the colours come together. The girls tattoo is based off my own; she's my online persona. The dudes name is Jonah and I made up all his tattoos on a whim. I like them though. Especially the blue fire on his left arm! What's funny about him is that all the pictures I've drawn with these two he's always got his back turned, lol!! I've never drawn him full on! Perhaps I should one day.
I've been working on and off on this painting of Bella and Edward from Twilight. It's based off of the cover of Entertainment Weekly, so it's reeeeeally sexy. I think I'll work on it today. It's gonna be a bit different than my other paintings and have less realism than normally.
As far as my outside life goes (LOL!) work and a little play. I had Tuesday off, then yesterday I was scheduled but they called me off cause they didn't need 3 bussers, and today I'm off. Tomorrow I work take out and Saturday I *DUNDUNDUUUUUUN* host. It's gonna be weeeeird. It's been about 2 years since I last hosted so it should be fun. I'm glad they're finally taking all of my problems in to account and cutting down my bussing shifts. Lately I haven't been getting horrible migranes or fainting spells so I think this is good. My back is still killing me at the end of the night, but I can deal with that.
I talked with Smandi yesterday and she put a really good idea in my brain! I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fly out to DC for Christmas! SURPRISE DAD!! LOL! Airfare is pretty cheap through Jet Blue I noticed so I may do that. I dunno! I think it'll be way awesome to see Dad over Christmas, it's been so long since we've spent Christmas together! I've got some friends that live in southern Virginia that have been telling me to "sneak out" and come visit them, lol! The same friends that are gonna kidnap me for my birthday and that I'm going to school with at the AI.
I can't tell you how excited I am about all this! I didn't think it would actually happen, ya know, getting excited to go back to school! I guess I was just really against going to a normal university and thought that that was my only option really. I mean, let's face it! I'm not like Andi when it comes to having the courage to just get up and move outta state for school. But I've always wanted to. Oh well! Better late than never, right??
Anywho, I'ma go work on some stuff! Later guys and I hope to see some new blogs soon!! XOXOXO
September 27, 2008 at 8:36 AM
CB -- That's GREAT NEWS!!! You may even get to see your Uncle Bo because he called and said he's thinking about coming out for Christmas too. I guess that means I have to put the tree up? I have to figure out where to put it because I have Grandma Era's dining room set in the front room. I guess I need to do some furniture rearrangement. Let me know the days you're thinking of so I can plan some time off as well. We can obviously go to the National Mall to see the decorations there and hang out. Call me when you get a chance! Love ya! Dad